Swami Manuel
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€12,50 EUR
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€12,50 EUR
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{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"15 CROSS OF CARAVACA Envelopes for Achieving Goals. Each envelope is engraved with the ancient and powerful image of the CROSS OF CARAVACA.", "bold"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"“Of great virtue and effectiveness in healing all kinds of ailments, both of the body and the soul. Liberator of spells and enchantments, protector and magnet for good fortune.”", "italic"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"How to Use Them:", "bold"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Write your request or goal. Visualize the goal achieved; this is the meditative work. Imagine your joy and that of your loved ones enjoying these fulfilled noble desires."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Place your written requests inside, if possible, rolled up and tied with red thread. Make specific requests on each piece of paper and include as many as you wish."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Offer gifts by placing seeds, leaves, flowers, stones, and coins inside the envelope. The entire collection will become your great ritual for attracting positivity. To enhance it, hold the envelope in your hands and visualize the goals achieved; this will be your meditation. Do this as often as you like."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"You can place the envelope in a location you deem most appropriate in your home or workplace, or even roll it up and tie it with red thread to carry it with you as a talisman."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"After the time you deem appropriate, you can dispose of the ritual in the fire (removing the coins and stones first, which you can reuse) or return it to nature, always expressing gratitude. Do not use plastic materials that could cause contamination."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\n"}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Size: 14.5 x 10 cm.", "bold"=>true}]}]}
{"type"=>"root", "children"=>[{"type"=>"heading", "level"=>3, "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"15 Sobres CRUZ DE CARAVACA – Potenciadores de Objetivos", "bold"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Sobres especiales grabados con la poderosa imagen de la "}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"CRUZ DE CARAVACA", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>", símbolo de protección, sanación y buena fortuna."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"✨ "}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"“De gran virtud y eficacia para curar toda clase de dolencia, así del cuerpo como del alma. Liberadora de hechizos y encantamientos, protectora e imán para la buena suerte.”", "italic"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"heading", "level"=>4, "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Modo de uso:", "bold"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Escribe tu petición u objetivo", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>" y visualízalo cumplido, sintiendo la alegría de su realización.\n"}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Introduce tus peticiones en el sobre", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>", enrolladas y atadas con hilo rojo si es posible.\n"}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Añade ofrendas", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>" como semillas, hojas, flores, piedras o monedas para fortalecer el ritual.\n"}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Potencia su efecto sosteniéndolo entre tus manos", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>" mientras visualizas tu deseo hecho realidad.\n"}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Colócalo en un lugar especial", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>" de tu casa o trabajo o llévalo contigo como un talismán."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Finalización del ritual:", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>"\nCuando creas que ha cumplido su propósito, entrégalo al fuego (retirando monedas y piedras) o devuélvelo a la naturaleza con gratitud."}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Evita materiales plásticos para no contaminar.", "bold"=>true}]}, {"type"=>"paragraph", "children"=>[{"type"=>"text", "value"=>"Medida:", "bold"=>true}, {"type"=>"text", "value"=>" 14,5 x 10 cm."}]}]}
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